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Cannibinoid Facts

buds-in-jar.png.jpg Why Would I Need CBD?

You only “need” CBD or it's derivatives if you care about your health. It’s that simple. Chances are by now someone you know has told you about the wonders of CBD. You must have had a friend try to turn you on because they have started using and benefiting from CBD.

Think of CBD like a natural multivitamin with the power of prescription medications but better for your body and without the side effects.

Taken from the Hemp plant, once in your body, CBD interacts with your body’s Endocannabinoid System. This is perhaps the most important system in your body for maintaining and regulating health. Receptors of the Endocannabinoid System are literally spread throughout your body.

Individuals that take CBD report benefits in a few common areas. These include:

  • Lessened Anxiety and Mood Enhancement
  • Inflammation Reduction and Pain Relief
  • Better Sleep
  • Regulated BP
  • Cancer Inhibitor & More!!!

The reason CBD has such diverse benefits is because the Endocannabinoid System helps bring the body into balance (homeostasis), whatever your individual issue is. Please note everyone results, body types, etc; are different and effects will vary. Some individuals may experience "none", "some" or "all" of the effects some individuals have reported!

Have any questions for our team??? Feel free to contact at We will usually respond in under 24hrs. Keep in mind we are not doctors or healthcare professional and can not give any medical advice. These statements are made for informational purpose only and are not meant to heal, diagnose, or cure any disease's. Please consult your physician or a medical professional to see if Cannabis / Hemp products are safe for you! Please keep in mind or team's advice is only for cannabinoid mixes, strain info, general cannabis potency & effects reported by user within the cannabis community or requests for custom orders. Thanks!


How Long Do the Effects of Cannabis/Hemp Last?

 There are several ways to use Cannabis Sativa L (Hemp). Each method changes how long the plant effects stays in your system or affects your body.

 When you consume Cannabis Sativa L (Hemp) in a "dab, edible or orally", it is more potent, in most cases it can be overwhelming and should "not" be used by cannabis "novice, phys-co-sensitive individuals or those that suffer from anxiety or panic attacks". Individuals with pre-existing conditions should avoid cannabis or its derivatives and consult your health care practitioner to make sure cannabis is safe for you to consume. Typical effects will start kicking in immediately from flower but the effects of other cannabiniods may take effect within an hour, and they can last for over six hours in the case of certain edibles. If you are sensitive, or induce a panic attack while under the influence of cannabis or it's consumables (edibles) the effects can be intensified and last nearly 12 hours, so stay calm, relax and enjoy the ride. Some examples of oral cannabis products include:6


  • THC or Delta 9 Edibles (gummie's, infused chocolates, brownies)

  • THC or Delta 9 infused pills, capsules, and tablets or THC tinctures

  • THC isolated powder, kief, shatters, rosin, batters, hash, distillate, hash etc.


Another common way to use Cannabis Sativa L (Hemp) is by smoking it. Those who smoke it will roll it into a joint, blunt, or spliff. Others will smoke it in a pipe or bong. Smoking it using a vape reduces the amount of secondhand smoke you produce, which has caused this method to grow in popularity in recent years.


When you smoke recreational Cannabis (High THC content) / Cannabis Sativa L (Hemp), you will feel its effects for at least one to four hours. In the case of Cannabis Sativa L (Hemp), you will feel its effects for at least one to 1 1/2 hours.

 A few people use cannabis products topically. However, this is mostly for medical usage. Topical applications generally do not cause a positive blood or urine test unless you use them in high amounts.


Short-Term Effects

 When you consume cannabis, cannabiniods etc you will experience several short-term effects. Most notably, you will notice a change in the way you view reality and time, which can seem overwhelming, if you are not in a safe location while under the influence of marijuana. To help during this heighten period, focus on breathing, inhale through the nose, exhale from the mouth for several minutes (2-5 mins). Remind yourself that cannabis is a "healing plant" not a drug that will hurt you!


Some of the other short-term cannabis effects include:


  • Altered and heightened senses

  • Altered sense of time

  • Mood changes

  • Impaired motion

  • Memory Lapses

  • Impaired thinking and problem-solving

  • Rapid Heartbeat, breathing intake confusion

  • Psychosis




What is THCA?

Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis. The health benefits provided by THCA are most well absorbed by the body through a raw method of consumption such as cannabis juicing. THCA works to relieve inflammation, pain and is an ideal cannabinoid for treating symptoms of such conditions as arthritis, seizures.

Research into THCA is still preliminary and relies heavily upon findings from animal studies. Promising findings in these early studies, however, offer some promise that THCa could be a useful tool when it comes to health and wellness. Much more remains to be learned about THCs and how it interacts with other cannabinoids to truly optimize its therapeutic potential.


Effects and Benefits

THCA is an effective neuroprotectant, so it is beneficial in the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It can also help to stimulate the appetite in patients suffering from cachexia and anorexia nervosa. Most impressively, research shows that THC-A helps to slow the proliferation of cancerous cells.

Research has shown that THCA is effective in the treatment of a variety of symptoms and conditions. 

THCA in its isolated form is available for purchase in select medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries in the form of a white crystalline powder. It can be smoked or vaporized in typical smoking devices, such as a bong or dab rig (device used for vaporizing hash oil). These methods convert the THCA to THC and so are used for their psychoactive effects. THCA is also sometimes encapsulated and taken as a supplement for a variety of illnesses, although there are currently no established medical applications.[4]